Byte Battle

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Bytebattles are a form of live coding, similar to Shader Showdowns, where two contestants compete in writing a visual effect in 25 minutes. The coding environment is the TIC-80 fantasy console. However, unlike Shader Showdowns, there is an additional limit: the final code should be less than 256 characters. This requires the contestants to use efficient code (e.g. single letter variables) and to minimize the code (e.g. remove the whitespace), all within the time limit. Unlike normal TIC-80 coding, there is no compression, so every character counts.

General notation in this article

Symbol Meaning
i Pixel index
s Alias for math.sin
x Pixel x-coordinate
y Pixel y-coordinate

Basic optimizations

  • Functions, that are called 3 or more times should be aliased. For example, e=elli with e()e()e() is 3 bytes shorter than elli()elli()elli(). Functions with 5 characters may already benefit from aliasing with 2 calls: r=rectb with r()r() is 1 character shorter than rectb()rectb().
  • t=0 with t=t+.1 is 3 bytes shorter than t=time()/399.
  • for i=0,32639 do x=i%240y=i/240 end is 2-3 bytes shorter than for y=0,135 do for x=0,239 do end end.
  • (x*x+y*y)^.5 is 6 bytes shorter than math.sqrt(x*x+y*y).
  • s(w-11) and s(w+8) both approximate math.cos(w), so only math.sin needs to be aliased. s(w-11) is slightly more accurate, with the cost of one more character.


Most whitespace can be removed from LUA code. For example: x=0y=0 is valid. All new lines can be removed or replaced with space, making the whole code a single line:

function TIC()for i=0,32639 do poke4(i,i)end end

Warning: Letters a-f and A-F after a number cause problems. a=0b=0 is not valid code. It is advisable to only used one letter variables in the ranges g-z and G-Z from the start; this will make eventual one-lining easier.


Function load takes a string of code and returns a function with no named arguments, with the code as its body. It's particularly useful for shortening the TIC function after it's onelined:

TIC=load'for i=0,32639 do poke4(i,i)end'

As a rule of thumb, one-lining and using the load trick can bring a ~ 275 character code down to 256.

load can be even used to minimize a function with parameters: ... returns the parameters. For example, the following saves 3 bytes:


Warning: The backslash causes problems when using the load trick. In particular, if you have a string with escaped characters in the original code e.g. print("foo\nbar"), then this needs to be double-escaped: load'print("foo\\nbar")'


If you have a floating point color value, TIC-80 pix and poke4 functions round it (toward zero). To add dithering, add a small value, between 0 and 1, to the color. The best technique depends whether you have x and y available or only i and how many bytes you can spare:

Expression Length Result Notes
No dithering.png No dithering
s(i)*99%1 9 Random dithering.png "random" dithering, quite ugly
i*481/960%1 11 Chess dithering.png chess horse
(x*2-y%2)%4/4 13 Block dithering.png 2x2 block dithering
(i*2-i//80%2)%4/4 17 Block dithering from i.png 2x2 block dithering (almost), from i only

A quick example demonstrating the 2x2 block dithering:

function TIC()
 for i=0,2399 do


The following palettes assume that j goes from 0 to 47. Usually there's no need to make a new loop for this: just reuse another loop with j=i%48.

Expression Length Result Notes
poke(16320+j,j*5) 17 Gray palette.png
poke(16320+j,j%3*j/.4) 22 Blue palette.png Use (j+1)%3 or (j+2)%3 for different colors
poke(16320+j,s(j)^2*255) 24 Rainbow palette.png
poke(16320+j,s(j/15)*255) 25 Blue-brown palette.png s(j/15)^2 is less bright

Code for testing palettes:

function TIC()
 for j=0,47 do poke(16320+j,s(j/15)*255)end
 for c=0,15 do rect(c*5,0,5,5,c)end

Motion blur

In TIC-80 API, the pix and poke4 functions round numbers towards zero. This can be abused for a motion blur: poke4(i,peek4(i)-.9) maps colors 1 to 15 into one lower value, but value 0 stays at it is. Like so:

function TIC()
 for i=0,32639 do poke4(i,peek4(i)-.9)end

Basic raymarcher

The basic structure for a raymarcher that has not been crunched to keep it readable. The map is bunch of repeated spheres here:

function TIC()
 for i=0,32639 do
  -- ray (u,v,w), not normalized!
  -- camera origo (x,y,z)
  z=time()/999 -- camera moves with time
   X=x%6-3 -- domain repetition
   -- ray not normalized=>reduce scale
  until j>15 or m<.1

Additional Resources